We would like to offer free IT/Computer support to any one in Hawkes Bay that is having any computer related issues which is affecting them keeping in touch with their loved ones.
We have a dedicated technician on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons (1pm to 5pm) until the Level 4/3 lock-down is lifted.
To request support please go through our booking form here:
Enquiries / Book a JobExamples of what we may be able to assist with:
- Problems setting up video chat services.
- Computer running slow so unable to use services to keep in touch.
- Email issues.
- Adware or viruses affecting you keeping in touch.
Terms and Conditions:
- You or a family member must be based in Hawkes Bay.
- We can only provide remote or phone support, so this will be a best effort free service until the Level 4/3 lockdown is lifted.
- You must have a working internet connection and your computer must be able to connect to the internet.
- If there is a hardware issue we will advise and you can follow this up if you want once the lockdown has been lifted.
- Please do not share this offer outside of Hawkes Bay.
- Subject to the availability of our technicians.
Stay safe!